About Me

Hi, my name is Abigail Grace Jackson. I live with my family in a small town in north Florida. We live in a five bedroom parsonage next to the church my dad is the pastor of. Normally, you don't find a parsonage that fits a family of seven. (gets kinda crazy round here!) We got lucky!

Okay, below I have listed some of my favorite things.....

  • Reading
  • Baking  (I am a passionate baker.)
  • Ballet  (I am a dedicated ballerina.)
  • Playing the piano
  • Playing games
  • Watching movies with the fam! 
  • Hanging out with cousins
  • Blogging  (duh!)
  • Having Fun!!!
  • Loving Jesus!!!!!

You can check out some of my siblings' blogs too.

  1. Simple Bliss
  2. Life of Josh Squash
  3. Annabeth's Adventures
Find me on Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/abbygraceballet/

I'll answer any questions by commenting, and if I know you personally by email.

I hope this blog inspires, encourages, and uplifts you! 


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