Okay, I'm going to be honest with you. I am starting to run out of ideas for blog posts. Lately they continue to get shorter and shorter. They might run out all together if I don't get your help. So I was wondering if you would be willing ot put any suggestions in the comments. I want my blog to be interesting to you personally, so I'll readily take any ideas. You may be as specific or as general as you want.
P.S. Also, be sure to tell others about my blog!!!
Surveys! Challenges! Things like that!
ReplyDeleteYou could post a link to a cute/funny video on a certain day every week. By the way I told Beka about your blog for you!
ReplyDeleteSorry Abby, but I just can't help you. I have no clue. By the time I read a few e-mails and go on Face Book and read awhile, I can kill way too much time. All I'm really interested in is YOU ! Tell me what interests you, what you did that day, what books you've read and a short review of what it was about and what you got out of it. How do you relate to the stories? ANYTHING YOU say is of interest to me. I love you girl and can't wait to see you soon !! Love, Grandma
ReplyDeleteGood ideas! Thanks guys!!!