
Showing posts from July, 2016

Autographed Shirt

Last night at VBS after the lesson I asked Amelia and Courtney to sign my shirt. Then this morning Kaylie asked if she could too. Isn't cute!

Favorite Warm Up

My favorite place to get dance stuff is  Discount Dance Supply . Here are my favorite warm ups from them. ( Thermal Knit Warm Up Pants ) I like the light gray.

My Favorite T-shirt Right Now

Here is my new favorite shirt . Super adorable, right? Nice Christmas gift!  :)

Women's Gymnastics

Recently my siblings and I have been watching the trials for Women's Gymnastics. We have watched about 7 hours of it. (not all at one time!) These trials are for the summer Olympics in Rio. We have waited 7 long hours to see who is on the team. Here is your Olympic team! Simone Biles Laurie Hernandez  Aly Raisman Gabby Douglas Madison Kocion Oh my goodness, Simone Biles is the best  gymnast ever!!! She is so good. Laurie is my next fave. She is amazing too. Good luck in Rio, girls!!!


This week we started VBS @  First Baptist Quincy . My dream ever since I was really little is to be a helper at VBS, and this year I got my wish! Our VBS is called "Big Heart Farms". This year we are doing VBS for the little kids and not for the bigger kids. The reason for this is that the older kids het to got to  Winshape  in August. Winshape starts at 1'st grade. Since this is for younger kids  Miss Connie  picked a program for their age level. As I mentioned before this one has an adorable farm theme where the "sprouts" learn about the fruits of the Spirit. Every dad they learn two new fruits. There are three teachers, so Miss Connie split up the kids into groups with animal names. Miss Erin: Cows Miss Theresa: Pigs Miss Nicki: Chickens Each of their rooms is decorated to represent their animal. I'm helping Miss Erin, and you should see our room. It's so  cute! Here is a list of my group's little "cows": Page Ricky Jonatha...

Selfie Mode

Here are my recent selfie moments...

Loose Camera

This is what happens when you give your siblings a camera.